Monday, February 11, 2013

The Hidden Truths About Obamacare - Things they Don't Want You to Know

This is actually the first time I've brought up the Obamacare issue in its entirety and I want to share this information with you, whoever is listening, because I genuinely care about how you see this insanely complicated political world. There are things about Obamacare that you don't know that you have to look for to truly comprehend what a leviathan it is.

According to the Hosanna-Tabor Supreme court decision, religious institutions have the right to control their internal affairs, that includes healthcare coverage of their employees. Obamacare violates that decision, refusing to exempt religious institutions - including Catholic churches, schools, and hospitals.

What I'm more concerned about are the costs of Obamacare. You can't opt out of this thing, meaning that you have to pay for it. The news reports estimate the total cost of Obamacare would be around $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years. The cheapest plan will cost the average American family $20,000, that's around $4,000 more than what most families pay now which is contrary to Obama's statements that it would reduce family premiums by $2,500 a year.

There's also the matter of all the taxes that come along with Obamacare: the Investment Income Surtax, the Tanning Tax, Individual Mandate Tax, Medicare Payroll Tax Hike, and others. Not to mention all of the hidden taxes that they won't tell you: the Medical Device Tax, the Insurer Tax, the Pharmaceutical Companies Tax, the Cadillac Tax, and the States Subsidies for Medicaid.

The Obamacare regulations are somewhere between 961 pages and 2000 pages and no one has read through it in its entirety. If you think you know what's in this so-called "law" then you haven't researched it as extensively as my parents, role models, and I have.

Please respond to this if you see this, and please ask me questions about this, because the last thing I want is for people to immediately accept this kind of stuff as truth. That would be scary.

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