Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gun Control: The Solution that's Worse Than the Cure

UPDATE: According to recent reports, non-military sectors of the federal government have been stockpiling millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammunition (2 billion to be precise). Ironic isn't it, that the government would be hoarding the guns and ammo while preaching to us that people should not be allowed to own them. This indicates indicating that our own government is preparing for either marshal law or large scale civil unrest. I believe they are preparing for the economic collapse that they started, because when economies collapse wide-spread violence is inevitable.


Today I'm going to talk about something that I have been yelling at myself in the mirror for over a year now: gun control. I hear so many people talk about how we should control guns and that out country would be so much safer if we either restricted access to guns or banned them outright. As much as a sympathize with the victims and families of the victims of violent gun crimes who feel that they need to do something about this, I can't in good faith just sit by and not explain the whole situation. The fact of the matter is that guns are just tools, one of hundreds of different tools, that were made by men for the purpose of killing or defending each other. Getting rid of them would only be a temporary solution or, in my opinion, no solution at all.


Since we're on the topic of polls and typology, I thought I might include a little statistic about the public's opinions on gun control. While it is true that a large majority of people who respond to polls believe that there should be stronger restrictions on guns, this opinion has been dwindling as of lately. According to this NewsBusters article I found, CNN's polls, dated back to January, have been showing a drop in support over the previous month for a ban on semi-automatic guns and high-capacity ammo clips as well as a drop in support for background checks on newly registered gun owners. While some of you reading this might think this is bad, I think it's great and here's why; the only people that these bans and requirements would affect are the LAW-ABIDING citizens who AREN'T the ones who commit murders. These measures WOULDN'T affect the criminals, mentally ill, and mass murderers who are ALREADY AGAINST THE LAW or have no comprehension of it.

These people, black of heart and mind as they are, will commit crimes regardless of what weapon is denied to them and will always continue to commit gun-crimes because they will always find them. How do I know this? Well, Harvard conduct a study on violent crimes in European nations that had low numbers of gun-ownership and nations that had high gun-ownership. According the results of their study, they discovered that the nations with low levels of gun ownership (Holland, Sweden, Denmark, etc.) had some of the highest murder rates in Europe, while nations like Norway that had high levels of gun ownership also had the lowest murder rates. To be clear, these are not the rates of gun-related crime but rather the rates of overall crime. Just to prove my point, the study also showed Russia as having a murder rate 4X that of the U.S. and 20X that of Norway despite having virtually destroyed the notion of gun-ownership there. Needless to say, where gun ownership is low death by stabbing, strangling, and beating is high.

These are statistics that anti-gun activists fail to take notice of when they spew out their inconsistent arguments. In my personal, mostly-unbiased opinion, I believe that these gun control activists don't care about any other kind of murder except those committed with guns because they are so committed to whitewashing the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution. And with that, let me leave you with an interview between the gun-control obsessed CNN host, Piers Morgan, and the rock star/pro gun enthusiast, Ted Nugent. Ted Nugent brings up all the arguments I have used here. Guns are not the problem, people. It's the lack of security in this country. The good news is that more and more people are waking up to this and it won't be long before this arguments starts heading in the right direction.

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